Git Commands:
- git init: Initializes a new Git repository in the current directory.
- git clone : Creates a local copy of a remote repository.
- git add : Adds a file to the staging area.
- git commit -m "": Records the staged changes to the repository with a descriptive message.
- git status: Shows the status of the working directory and staging area.
- git log: Displays the commit history of the repository.
- git branch: Lists all the branches in the repository.
- git checkout : Switches to the specified branch.
- git merge : Merges the specified branch into the current branch.
- git pull: Fetches changes from a remote repository and merges them into the current branch.
- git push: Pushes the local commits to a remote repository.
- git remote add : Adds a remote repository.
GitHub Commands:
- git remote -v: Lists the remote repositories associated with the current Git repository.
- git push -u : Sets up tracking of the specified branch on a remote repository.
- git pull : Fetches changes from a remote repository and merges them into the current branch.
- git branch -d : Deletes a branch.
- git checkout -b : Creates a new branch and switches to it.
- git fork: Creates a copy of a remote repository under your GitHub account.
- git pull-request: Creates a pull request on GitHub for code review and collaboration.
- git stash: Temporarily saves changes that are not ready to be committed.
- git stash apply: Restores the most recently stashed changes.
- git tag : Creates a new tag for a specific commit.
- git submodule: Manages Git submodules within a repository.